The EA Exam, officially known as the Special Enrollment Examination, is administered by the IRS to certify Enrolled Agents. It’s a difficult three part test that the future of any enrolled agent hinges upon. And thanks to that level of importance, there’s a considerable amount of pressure on the heads of every test taker.

Fortunately, there are also many options to prepare for it!

While there are many good ways to study, such as online video lectures, flashcards, and practice tests, most of these resources pale in comparison to Fast Forward Academy’s EA prep course. This course is the best of the best when it comes to studying for the EA exam and produces great results.

Find out why below:

Overview of FFA EA

Overview Of Fast Forward Academy

Fast Forward Academy provides test prep courses for careers related to accounting. Their focus is on making sure that their students pass their exams and learn as quickly as possible. This company’s major claim to fame is in their highly advanced software designed to narrow down exactly what each student needs to know to pass their exam.

Fast Forward Academy accomplishes its goals by innovating on the standard review course format. Rather than trying to replace proven methods of success, they instead ensure that standard ones, such as practice questions and textbooks, come with additional features. By combining their software prowess with tried and true techniques, they strive to create the best test prep courses.

Here are some of the features included with FFA EA Review Course:

  • Fast Focus Review
  • Digital Flashcard Creator
  • Video Lectures and Slides
  • Online Community
  • Intelligent EA Textbooks
  • Simulated EA Exams

What’s Included With Fast Forward Academy EA Review?

Intelligent Textbook

Fast Forward’s EA Prep Course comes with an intelligent online textbook loaded with advanced features. With it, you can easily highlight and bookmark important sections for future review. You can also write notes and create flashcards directly out of the pages. Student performance is even used to guide the final review for each chapter; hence, no time is wasted on subjects that don’t need extra attention.

Academic Support

Not only does Fast Forward Academy supply customized explanations for each study question, they also allow you to communicate with a constructor with the click of a button. Fast Forward employs a team of experienced professional instructors who have helped thousands of future enrolled agents.

But that’s not the only place you can find help:

Both instructor and student support can also be found in the online community provided by FFA. At any time you can connect with instructors and fellow students in the community to ask questions about difficult EA topics. No matter what part of the course you are partaking in, there will always be someone willing to help you.

EA Study Bank

The Enrolled Agent Study Bank is a collection of over 3,500 exam questions with explanations. It possesses all standard chapter, topic, and subject filters, in addition to some more advanced features. Furthermore, students can review incorrect answers from previous study sessions and even use innovative features like the Fast Focus review to see which questions will help the most. You won’t find a more efficient set of practice questions than these.

FFA EA Course Pricing

Fast Forward Academy EA Pricing

Fast Forward Academy has three purchasing options for their EA course. The first is to just buy the study guide for $199, which gives you the paperback version of their textbook. Unfortunately, this version does not come with the great online features.

The next purchasing option is the EA online course for $449. Choosing this course grants access to Fast Forward’s catalog of online resources until you pass your EA exam. The two purchasing options can be combined with the EA Smart Bundle where you will receive both the course and the study guide. This option has a great value at only $539 and gets my personal recommendation.

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Pros & Cons

Fast Forward Academy’s courses also include the following benefits and drawback:

Pro – Good Feedback: Fast Focus creates an effective list of strengths and weaknesses when combined with the smart textbook. By tracking your problem areas, these programs can help you focus on the areas with which you need the most help.

Pro – Textbook Features: The ability to take notes and make flashcards out of the text really do help when learning. Not having to stop to make new study materials lets you keep your sense of flow while working through a chapter.

Pro – UI Design: The side by side design of the split view UI makes staying organized easy, no matter what device you are using. All necessary learning materials sit at your fingertips and can be easily accessed at any time.

Con – Dry Video Lectures: While Fast Forward Academy’s video lectures are informative and clear, they tend to be a little dry. They do get across all necessary information; however, it would be nice if they were a little more engaging.

FFA EA Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re still unsure, here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions about FFA:

Q: How long will I have access to Fast Forward’s EA course?

A: The EA prep course will not expire while you are using it because Fast Forward Academy doesn’t believe in limiting a student’s window for studying. All paid students will be able to access course materials until they pass the exam.

Q: How does the Fast Focus feature work?

A: Fast Focus is used to narrow your review down to areas where you need the most help. By clicking one button, you zoom in on all the areas that will have the most impact on your EA exam score. This feature is at its most helpful if used as a form of review after completing each chapter.

Q: Do I have to pay for updates to my course?

A: As new requirements are added to the EA exam, your online review will automatically be updated for free. Fast Forward Academy guarantees content updates and course access until you pass your exam.

FFA EA Ideal Customer

Ideal Customer

If you’re still wondering if this course is right for you, keep reading:

  • If you like receiving only essential materials without any unnecessary info, this is the EA course for you.
  • If you want to filter out review for sections you don’t need, this is the right course for you.
  • If you love courses that are fully customizable, this is the EA prep course for you.
  • If you learn well via intelligent video content, this is the review course for you.

Final Recommendation

Fast Forward Academy EA Review is well worth your money. Their focus on polishing tried and true study techniques gives them a unique edge over their competitors. By far, the best value option has to be the EA Smart Bundle, which combines online and physical study materials to maximize the effectiveness of their program. Make sure to at least check out their three-day free trial to see their innovative EA course is right for you!

Kenneth W. Boyd is a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and the author of several of the popular "For Dummies" books published by John Wiley & Sons including 'CPA Exam for Dummies' and 'Cost Accounting for Dummies'.

Ken has gained a wealth of business experience through his previous employment as a CPA, Auditor, Tax Preparer and College Professor. Today, Ken continues to use those finely tuned skills to educate students as a professional writer and teacher.