Looking at the best CAPM exam prep courses and deciding which one is right for you isn’t always the easiest thing in the world to do. There are several study guide companies that offer different options for candidates, and you guessed it. They all advertise that they have the best CAPM study materials. So, how do you choose the right course?
Well, the answer is to step back and think about yourself for a second. Ask yourself how you learn best. What types of lessons help you understand topics and remember the underlying concepts? What type of learner are you? Do you like video lectures or do you like CAPM exam prep book lessons? All of these are important questions because the right course for someone else isn’t always the right course for you. You need a CAPM review course that fits the way you learn.
After all, you are going to spend a ton of time studying for the Certified Associate in Project Management exam. Getting the right prep course will help you reduce that study time and help you pass the exam faster.
That’s why I’ve reviewed every top-rated CAPM study guide. I show you the pros and cons of each course along with their software features, test banks, and CAPM discounts, so you can find the right course for you and start your journey to become a CAPM professional.
Quick Look at CAPM Online Course Reviews and Rankings
Here’s a list of the best CAPM exam prep courses available right now.
Best CAPM Exam Prep Courses in February 2025 Below:
- Brain Sensei CAPM Course
- Dooey CAPM Review
- Velociteach CAPM Review Course
- Grey Campus CAPM Review Course
Here are the best CAPM exam prep courses and online study materials to help you pass the exam on your first try and become a Certified Associate in Project Management.
#1 Brain Sensei Complete CAPM Exam Prep Course
One of the newest CAPM review courses available online to aspiring project managers also happens to be one of the best. This is especially true if you’re a lifelong student who’s bored to death by traditional online classes: video lectures, flashcards, and dry digital textbooks. If this sounds like you, then Brain Sensei is the cure to your education woes.
Instead of providing the same traditional learning platform you can find anywhere else online, this CAPM review course presents its content through an interactive story. By stepping into the shoes (or sandals) of a feudal samurai, you can learn the ins and outs of project management while enjoying a fun story at the same time!
This isn’t to say that Brain Sensei doesn’t also provide some traditional study materials. You’ll still be able to check your knowledge of important concepts through 4 practice exams made up of 600 practice questions, and you can consult online text resources for more in-depth coverage of different topics. And you will earn the necessary 23 contact hours necessary for certification. However, the majority of this course’s appeal comes from the fact that it’s entirely unique among all other CAPM prep courses.
Unfortunately, this means that Brain Sensei might not be your favorite option if all you’re looking for is a traditional CAPM review course. There are some other options on this list that have more video content and practice questions in lieu of an engaging story. However, this is by far the best option for the majority of students since it has an appealingly long access period, excellent instructors, and a generous pass guarantee.
Here’s the cherry on top: 99.6% of students who enroll in Brain Sensei pass their exams on the first attempt. Not only is this a unique approach to education, but it’s also highly effective!
Brain Sensei also allows you to pay by the year or by the month. So, if you need a short-term study plan, you’ve got it. Same thing for studies who are in it for the long haul.
#2 Dooey CAPM Review
Dooey offers an educational experience that closely aligns to actual project management work thanks to its incorporation of case studies and other realistic scenarios. This way, you can prepare for both the CAPM exam and your post-certification career at the same time.
At the end of each chapter, you’ll have a quiz to complete that ensures you understand the material covered in each one. There are 14 of these quizzes included with your course, as well as two full simulated CAPM exams. Thanks to this, you’ll get all the practice you need to approach your full exam with confidence.
Dooey’s course includes the full 23-hour PDU requirement needed to sit for the exam. It also covers the IASSC exam fee at the end of the course— so you’ll be fully prepared to sit for the exam as soon as you’re finished with this course.
The course is made up of:
- 13 Training Hours
- 48 Videos
- 13 Topics
- 252 Practice Questions
Ultimately, it’s not the best course on the market— it’s missing some essential features like a mobile app and video/audio lecture content. However, this is a fantastic and affordable resource for earning those PDUs while practicing realistic project management scenarios.
And let’s not forget–it’s pricing is super affordable!
Bottom Line:
Check out Dooey’s course if you want an affordable dry run for the full CAPM exam. All of their features are designed to relieve pre-exam anxiety and quickly acclimate you to a career in project management.
#3 Velociteach CAPM Review Course
Veliciteach takes a varied approach to preparing for the CAPM exam while covering all 49 processes. That’s because they understand that people prefer different learning styles and don’t want anyone left behind. In order to achieve that goal, they combine several different study formats into a single course.
Velociteach plan includes:
- Blank Process Matrix
- Certificate of Completion
- Confidence to PASS
- Course Progress Checklist
- Earned Value Formula Map
- Earned Value Practice Exercises
- Formula Sheets
- Project Plan Stack Exercise
Velociteach makes a series of video lectures and study sheets available throughout their course. Each video is a brisk 30 minutes and designed to convey important topics quickly. Plus, they come with a series of study sheets that share additional detail on each exam concept.
Flashcards, course takeaways, formula sheets, audio lessons, and more can be found within the course’s media center. These are intended to supplement the information that you’ve learned from other areas of the course. Additionally, they can be used as a review for areas you didn’t understand or can’t quite remember. As a result, you’ll never fall behind when preparing for your certification exam.
Despite all these high points, Velociteach is not without its downsides. In particular, their free trial is incredibly limited. It only lasts one day, which is barely any time to interact with the course. Because of that, it can be almost impossible to get a feel for what you’re purchasing ahead of time.
Bottom Line:
If you like to learn through a mesh of learning styles, then Velociteach is a great choice for you. But if you want something a little more focused, you may want to check elsewhere.
#4 GreyCampus CAPM Review Course
GreyCampus is a PMI-accredited CAPM certification course provider that offers an Instructor-led live Bootcamp for those who like to learn along with other students.
The Grey Campus CAPM live classroom course is a 2-3 day instructor-led training course that gives candidates the ability to interact with the instructor and the other candidates. This is great for people who want more of a one-on-one experience to ask questions and clarify concepts.
This course options include a test bank of more than 600 practice questions, 3 full-length exams, and 23 contact hours. What makes this program even more unique is that they give you access to all of the CAPM exam study materials for an entire year. Most of the other companies only offer 90-180 day access to videos and audio lessons.
Grey Campus also comes with live chat support and study flashcards. Unfortunately, they don’t offer an app or any kind of offline access though, so you won’t be able to study with your phone.
But they do offer a money-back guarantee if you take the exam within 14 days of your course!
Bottom Line:
If you want a PMI-accredited CAPM certification course that offers an interactive Instructor-led live Bootcamp, comprehensive study materials with one-year access, and a money-back guarantee within 14 days, look no further than GreyCampus.